As society, culture, and technology evolve, we sometimes need to stretch our words to describe the concepts in our world… Sometimes we innovate and coin new words. Sometimes we assign new meanings to--or rework the meanings of--"old" words.
Marketers can play on word meanings--and even provoke a word shift--with their clever messaging. Lately, I have been noticing the word "naked" used in a new way, for example:
- "Naked Juice" is "Naked. Nothing to hide."
- Stacy's Pita Chips are "Simply naked, with nothing but sea salt."
As a marketing word, "naked" is certainly an attention grabber! While the meaning used to be more narrow (e.g., limited to "naked body" or "the naked truth"), it's expanded to fill a gap in our whole foods vocabulary. Now, "naked" means pure, uncoated, natural.
How else will we use starting using it?
For more on language change, read: http://www.bbc.co.uk/voices/yourvoice/language_change2.shtml