(If you are curious about why breathing is important…this Mindful.org article by Caren Osten Gerszberg explains it BEAUTIFULLY and was the inspiration for this blog post.)
What does this have to do with communication in the workplace, anyway?
Incidentally, in the business world, "it's important" shows up in a few ways. It's also
- Strategic priorities
- Business drivers
- Goals
- Focus areas
If you’re wanting people to do what you say, it may be enough to simply communicate a priority. If you’re wanting to inspire, excite, and motivate—you probably need to share more.
- A story > This is the time to pull out a compelling customer story or real business examples that illustrate the benefits, the positive impact, the real good that comes from it.
- The data > A picture is worth 1000 words. That goes for charts and graphs, too.
- A reminder of the vision > "We want to get to a place where we are able to ____, or where our customers are able to ____. This is a step in that direction."
- Back & forth > Get the group talking about why it’s important to them. Hear what ideas surface. Listen like a trampoline. Bounce the ideas back. Now you’ve got momentum.